FEATURE Various expressions

Next Design allows you to create a variety of looks for your design information. From Word-like documents, to Excel-like grids, to diagrams with a bird's eye view, there is a huge variety of ways to present your design information. Standard UML/SysML views are of course also possible.

  • Switch between multiple views to suit your needs

    Multiple views can be set up for a single piece of design information You can set up multiple views of a single piece of design information, allowing you to switch between them according to your needs and objectives. For example, you can switch between a diagram for a bird's eye view and a document for details. You can even switch to a dedicated look for review purposes.

  • Integration of models and documentation

    The model provides a graphical overview of the design and a Word-like and Word-like documentation for seamless design. This allows you to design seamlessly.

  • Document

    View and edit metamodel design data in a Word-like document format. Hierarchical representation of text and tables allows the model to be displayed in a document-like style.

  • Tree Grid

    By making it look and feel like Excel, you can Design information can be listed and viewed hierarchically.
    Models can be edited as if you were editing a table, including batch input by auto-filling and cell-by-cell copy and paste.

  • ER Diagram

    The graphical representation provides a bird's eye view of the relationships between design information.

  • Tree Diagram

    The tree representation gives you a bird's eye view of the hierarchical relationship between the design information.

  • Sequence Diagram

    The sequence diagrams used to represent the behaviour have been developed in-house and are very intuitive. Even if you add lanes in between or reorder them If you want to add lanes between lanes or reorder them, the lifelines and messages move in tandem, so you don't have to.

    Lifelines and messages can be associated with models, so that structure and behaviour can be designed consistently.

  • UML/SysML

    Requirements diagrams (requirements diagrams, use case diagrams, use case definitions), structural diagrams (class diagrams, component diagrams, use case definitions), and other diagrams that conform to standards such as UML/SysML. use case definitions), structure diagrams (class diagrams, component diagrams, package diagrams, deployment diagrams) UML/SysML), structural diagrams (class diagrams, component diagrams, package diagrams, deployment diagrams) and behavioural diagrams (sequence diagrams, state machine diagrams). state machine diagrams). The diagrams can be further customized.

  • State Change Table

    Supports state transition tables, an expression frequently used in embedded software development.
    State machine diagrams and state transition tables are linked, changes are updated in real time, and they can be switched between each other for editing.
    In addition, cells can be highlighted and set to Ignore or NotHappen to ensure that there are no omissions in the design.

  • Timing Chart

    Supports timing charts that can express the relationship and behavior of signals on a time axis.
    Timing charts can be easily created from the design information on digital transformation.
    The traceability to requirements and constraints makes it easy to see if there are any design omissions.
    Furthermore, since all design information is available at digital transformation, it is easy to achieve efficiency through independent verification and automation.

  • A greater variety of graphical representations

    Diagrams such as flowcharts, mind maps, GSN diagrams and Process Flow Diagrams (PFD) can also be easily custom defined. Major diagrams can be represented in Next Design.

  • Custom diagrams with own shapes and images

    Instead of built-in shapes, you can create custom diagrams using your own icons and images.

  • English interface

    Next Design is also available in English as a standard feature, making it easy to collaborate with or commission overseas.